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CAA Code of Conduct

 Columbia Athletic Association Code of Conduct Policy

All Players must furnish the Columbia Athletic Association (CAA) with completed registration form and fees signed by a parent/guardian. This must be done on the dates listed on the registration form. Returned checks – a player will not be assigned to a team until the check and the bank fees are paid in full. The draft will be completed after registration.

I agree to abide by all of the CAA Rules, and or policies while attending CAA sponsored games, events or functions. This includes the Code of Conduct which is below. I, as a parent and/or guardian or the named player on a league team, hereby give my approval for my child to participate in any and all league activities. I assume all risk and hazards incidental to participation, including transportation to and from activities; and I do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Columbia Athletic Association, Incorporated, the chartering organization, Board of Directors, Officers, appointed agents, organizers, sponsors, participants and persons transporting my child to and from activities; for any claim arising out of an injury to my child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause. I agree to return upon request, any equipment issued to my child in the same condition as it was when issued except for normal wear and tear.


The primary objective of this policy is to provide standard parameters for the conduct of all CAA participants and guests.

1. Any person(s) participating in the Columbia Athletic Association program in any manner shall adhere to and abide by the CAA International Sponsorship Code and the CAA Code of Conduct as show in Appendix A.

2. A report of any person(s) in violation of the following Code shall be completed and given to the Board of Directors for review within 5 days of the incident.

3. Any report(s) received by the Board of Directors shall be reviewed for action within 5 days of the receipt of the report.

4. If it is deemed action must be taken, a hearing shall be scheduled to be held within 5 days of the review of item 3.

5. The league president may suspend any player, coach, manager umpire or other interested party for violation of these rules, at his discretion, until such time that a hearing is held.



Columbia Athletic Association Code of Conduct

Section I (Participant Behavior)

1. Any player verbally abusing a sports official, or CAA representative, before, during or after a contest, or in a related matter will be subject to a maximum three (3) game suspension and/or a letter of concern to the participants’ parents or guardians.

2. Any player charging at and/or making physical contact with a sports official, or CAA representative before, during or after a contest, or in a related matter , will receive a suspension not involving less than two (2) games and not involving more than five (5) games.

3. Any player striking a sports official, or CAA representative, before, during or after a contest, or in a related matter, will be banned from all youth sports programs with Columbia Athletic Association for a minimum of one (1) year, beginning at the time of the incident. No transfer release may be granted during the suspension period.


Section II (Coaches Behavior)

(All persons working with or aiding the participants during the game will be considered coaches for purposes of this rule.)

1. Any coach verbally abusing sports officials, or CAA representatives, before, during or after the game, or in a related matter, will be suspended not less than one (1) game and not more than five (5) games at the Columbia Athletic Association fields.

2. Any coach charging at and/or coming into physical contact with a sports official, or CAA representative, before, during or after a game, or in a related matter will be banished from that youth sports program with the Columbia Athletic Association for the remainder of the current season

3. Any coach striking a youth sports official, or CAA representative, before during or after a game, or in a related matter, will be banished from all youth sports programs with the Columbia Athletic Association permanently (Criminal charges will also be pursued.)


Section III (Fan and Parent Behavior)

1. A fan or parent verbally abusing a sports official, or CAA representative, before, during or after a contest, or in a related matter, shall receive a written letter of concern and possible suspension from further game attendance at Columbia Athletic Association events.

2. Any fan or parent charging at and/or physically making contact with a sports official, or CAA representative, before, during or after a contest, or in a related matter, will be banished from further game attendance for the remainder of the current season, and possible from all activities at Columbia Athletic Association events.

3. Any fan or parent striking a sports official, or CAA representative in any setting, will be prosecuted to the fullest and banished permanently from any activity at Columbia Athletic Association events.


Section IV (Repeat Behavior)

1. A second verbal attack on sports officials, or CAA representatives, by participant, coach, fan or parent before, during or after a game, or in a related setting will result in a minimum five (5) game suspension or a maximum season long suspension from Columbia Athletic Association events.

2. Continual harassment of officials, or CAA representatives, in any setting, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with on an individual basis.


Note: All teams participating on Columbia Athletic Association sponsored fields shall be subject to the conditions of this policy.


375 E Locust, P.O. Box 713
Columbia, Illinois 62236
Email : [email protected]
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